There are new categories for the Amazon.de promo to maximize your reward miles when shopping online as last month.
You can earn up to 10x miles per 1€ spend on these different categories:
- 10x DIY and garden
- 3x sports and leisure
- 3x car and motorcycle
- 3x electronics and computers

The other 3 options are still available:
- you can earn additionally up to 2x miles per 1€ if you spend 500€ on all purchases over a month
- you can earn up to 3x miles per 1€ on Amazon products like Echo, Alexa, Kindle, FireTV, etc
- you can earn 2000 miles to sign up on Amazon.de if you don’t have an account yet
- you can earn 500 miles for Amazon Music Unlimited subsription
As usual, it very important that you use this link, enter your service card number and accept the cookies!
It’s not working with the direct amazon.de link or app purchases!
Of course the name of the Amazon.de account should be the same as on the service card number.
Placeholder mile is being added 2 days after the items have been sent, fully credited after 6 weeks.
There are also Payback vouchers for Amazon.DE up to 15x valid until 31.09.2024
In general for all Amazon.de purchases payback gives back 1 point per 2€ that has been made via the amazon.de app
This means you need to check which categorie gets 3x or 2,5x points and chose the correct way/link and for all regular purchases which are not in the promo categories, you need to use the payback app to get to the amazon.de app.
Example: Jewellery gets 6 miles per 1€ on payback, so your first item in this cathegories should be bought via payback with the activated vouchers.
Payback offers in general 2 or up to 3 times per month each vouchers, usually one from 1st until 9th of the month, then 10th until 26th and at the end around 27th until 30th/31th.
The best way to pay on Amazon is with American Express, either with the AMEX Brussels Airlines Premium, where you get 1,5 miles per 1€ or the AMEX Platinum where you get 1 MR per 1€ and 12,000MR for signing up or the AMEX Gold where you get 1 MR per 1€ and 6,000 MR for signing up.
This post shows where American Express is accepted in Luxembourg.
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