Miles and More is celebarting 30 years and they have launched a new super promotion.
The whole december you can make hotel bookings on booking.com and receive 30 miles per 1 Euro spent. Some fees are excluded, but still an exceptional offer!
It looks like there are no special conditions on maximum of the points, so in theory you can earn a huge amount of miles. The only conditions are on bookings which are made in december, via the special link as from Miles&More partner page, on hotel bookings as flights and trips are excluded from this promo and accept the cookies from the webpages.
Add your Miles&More account number during the pay process.
The miles are added to your account 64 days after the hotel stay.

I think, it should be worth to book all your hotel stays in future on booking.com.
Set a reminder to cancel the stay when not needed as it should be free, if you are selecting this option.
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