collect status miles with your credit card

Now, you can collect officially status miles with your credit card!
This is valid during 2021 and a max of 30.000 status miles.
It seems that you can earn status miles as well with your BCEE Luxair credit card and American Express (AMEX) Brussels Airlines, both with the ratio of 2 status miles per 1€ spend.

It looks like that you can earn max 30.000 status miles, so if you cannot spend 15.000€, but hold FTL and you are missing 5.000 status miles, then you can sign up for the German FTL MM credit card from DKB.

Link to the news from Miles&More

There is also that you will earn double status miles on flights with the airlines which are member of Miles&More.

*update 03/02/2021
Earning double status miles for flights is for everybody and is also valid for executive bonus for FTL and senators.
Earning status miles with credit card is only for FTL and senators!

FTL could extend their status with only 1 trip if the collect 2500 miles (x2 as status miles count double)

It has never been easier to achieve Senator status as you only have to fly for 35,000 miles (=> 70,000miles + 30,000 miles from your credit card).

I have to see if I can get senator status later this year when there are fewer border closures.

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